Second Home: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said Monday that if he weren't a Virginian, he'd "probably want to be a Texan." He added, "I do fit right in here," The Associated Press reports.
Killer Brief: Gibson & Dunn partner Eugene Scalia, while representing SeaWorld, argues in a legal brief that human contact with Killer whales answers "an elemental human desire to know, understand and interact with the natural world," USA Today reports.
Judicial Attack: The Judicial Crisis Network is airing advertisements criticizing Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) for supporting Obama's nominations to the Supreme Court and D.C. District Court, The Hill reports.
Filibuster Brinnk: Longtime Hill staffer argues, "We now face nuclear option crisis 3.0. This time, the focus is mostly about judicial nominations.... The nuclear option has never been used, nor should it be. Democrats should back away from that slippery slope before they make a decision they may later regret," in a POLITICO op-ed.
On That Note...: The Senate votes this afternoon on the nomination of Georgetown University Law Center professor Cornelia "Nina" Pillard for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Background, here.