Inside Washington: These special reports take a close look at what's happening at D.C. law firms, lobby shops and on Capitol Hill. The Legal Times 150 shows local firms are embracing austerity even as their ranks grow. In this year's Influence 50, which measures lobbying revenue, Patton Boggs was knocked out of the first-place spot for the first time since 2007. Finally, the second annual Hill Hot List features top-notch congressional lawyers.
Harmony in Antitrust Enforcement: For decades, antitrust lawyers at the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission have squabbled over turf, but now the two agencies are moving toward a rare level of harmony. Jenna Greene has the story.
Precedents on the Line: Marcia Coyle previews cases to watch in the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court term. The Roberts Court will confront pleas to reconsider or overrule a number of key decisions undergirding hot-button issues on the new term's docket.