Surprise Twist: Move over U.S. Department of Justice. China is investigating whether British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline paid almost $500 million in bribes. "It is a reminder of how, despite the attention to compliance, the economic incentives for bribery remain strong in China and may have grown stronger with increased competition," Tom Brennan of The Asian Lawyer reports.
CFPB Lawsuit: Latest constitutional challenge of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau accuses the agency of overstepping its authority with attempts to regulate the practice of law and collect personal financial data, Zoe Tillman of the The National Law Journal reports.
Not Safe For Breakfast: This must be read to be believed, but please don't eat while reading it. The case is ... malodorous, Mike Scarcella of The National Law Journal reports.
Con Fail: Maybe it's not a good idea to dare the attorney general to come after you, KMOV in St. Louis has the details.
Defending From Wrath?: The federal courthouse in Chicago upped its security after a litigant reportedly made a supernatural threat against U.S. District Judge Sharon Coleman. He reportedly told the paper: "Because of Judge Sharon Coleman’s continual mocking of God’s ecclesiastical order and the sanctity of family/marriage, the wrath of God almighty shall soon visit her home," CBS and The Associated Press report.