'Good Job': Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. tells Congress he has done a "good job" and would remain the nation's top law enforcement officer until he has accomplished his goals, The National Law Journal reports.
'Criminal Law Guru': The judge in the trial of U.S. Army Private First Class Bradley Manning, charged with the most serious leak of classified documents in the nation's history, has "done it all," The National Law Journal reports.
S for Snooping?: A previously undisclosed National Security Agency program called PRISM gives officials direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other U.S. internet giants, to collect material including search history, the content of emails, file transfers and live chats, The Guardian and The Washington Post report.
Behind the Scoops: Glenn Greenwald, the U.S. Guardian columnist who made public the National Security Agency's latest efforts to collect all Verizon customer phone records, is a lawyer who once worked at high-powered New York firm Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, The New York Times profile reports.
Edwards Returns: After a public extramarital affair and his acquittal of violating campaign finance laws, John Edwards reportedly is returning to plaintiffs work, The National Law Journal reports.
Cybersecurity Audits: Bank of America Merrill Lynch is auditing the cybersecurity policies at its outside law firms, partly under pressure from government regulators to do so, Corporate Counsel reports.