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January 07, 2013


Robert C. Mueller

All that has been and will be said about Bill Suter as a lawyer, a leader, and Army officer surely is echoed by everyone who has known Bill. Additionally, he is a fine man and gentleman, a true friend, and a unwaveringly faithful and responsive member and supporter of the Federal Bar Association. He has traveled the country and visited virtually every local chapter of the FBA in response to invitations to speak, to participate in seminars and receptions, to perform admission ceremonies acknowledging the Court's preceding rulings on motions to admit, etc. One of my singular pleasures as National President of the FBA was to present to Bill, at the FBA's Annual Meeting and Convention, the Earl Kintner Award -- the association's most prestigious award -- in recognition of his unparalleled service to the FBA and to the legal community. On occasion of your retirement, Bill, we all join together: WELL DONE, AND MANY, MANY THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE AND FRIENDSHIP!!

Jim Cathcart

Bill Suter was the Commandant of the US Army Judge Advocate General's School at UVA when I attended the graduate course there and he was not only a fine lawyer but he was an exceptional leader and Army officer. Other than the fact he took merciless advantage of his rank and position to make jokes about me and my fellow Marine students without letting us respond in kind he was the kind of officer who makes his subordinates better.

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