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« Bank Robber's Lawyer Pitches Supreme Court on Machine Gun Law | Main | In GPS Tracking Case, Judge Keeps Alive Drug Evidence »

December 20, 2012



Not to bright for agents and AUSA's to be divulging investigative techniques. Sounds like a bunch of rookies.


I hate tracking devices, Constitutionally speaking.
But I think that even if this tracking device had led to the evidence of Pretlow's guilt, it was used validly, upon substantial reasonable suspicion of particular criminal activity, with minimal scope and duration of tracking.

Good for the USPS! Mixing up a variety of tactics can never hurt when you're trying to outsmart a smarty-pants thief.


A man is going to get fired from the best job he ever had (financially speaking)by stealing penny's, when you consider the big bucks he was making. Carriers at my branch make in the range of 70,000 a yr or more. What a stupid idiot! Not to mention the financial aspect of hiring a lawyer and going to jail. Will probably lose his house and car too!!!!

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