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June 04, 2012


brooklyn old smokey man

erior imitation merchandise, but as is pointed out in your post, sales also deprive the president’s campaign of information that could be used to seek additional donations. While ..................................

Klein Trial Lawyers

Mr. Schwat may be correct that there are additional companies also using the Obama campaign’s “Rising Sun” without permission, but claiming that others are also allegedly infringing on the trademark does not then make the wrongdoing acceptable. One of the reasons that major corporations spend money protecting trademarks is to prevent inferior imitation merchandise, but as is pointed out in your post, sales also deprive the president’s campaign of information that could be used to seek additional donations. While Mr. Schwat may feel this is “selective enforcement,” DemStore might not be the last vendor to be sued for using the logo without permission.

linda S

Now they know how Arizona feels.

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