Sizing up the Supreme Court: Tony Mauro hosted a roundtable discussion of the upcoming Supreme Court term, which starts today, with Arnold & Porter's appellate and Supreme Court practice head partner Lisa Blatt, former Solicitor General and Bancroft partner Paul Clement, former Acting Solicitor General and Hogan Lovells partner Neal Katyal and George Washington University Law School associate dean Alan Morrison.
Technology Brings Dose of Reality: A small circle of law schools are collaborating through simulation-based courses in a move to beef up practical training skills. Karen Sloan reports.
Judges Guiding Pro Se: Zoe Tillman reports on possible changes to the judicial conduct guidelines that would encourage judges to take a more "affirmative role" in ensuring that unrepresented parties understand what's going on in court.
Making More Out of Less: Real estate is the second biggest line item for law firms behind salaries and firms have made moves to make their space more efficient and cost effective. Matthew Huisman reports.