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September 14, 2011



Not sure why Kimberly Craven is holding up payments to Natives who so badly need it. Can't she opt out and do her own Lawsuit? I'm sure if her lawyer, Frank represents Craven pro bono now, he would do pro bono for her individual lawsuit, right? I can't see how Kimberly Craven appeal is a benefit to the Native people. Help me understand??
Kimberly have mercy on the Native people, times are tough than ever for us!

Jesse Lorentz

My question is what does she hope to gain out of all this when it's over, will she gain a higher payment? I'm sure i'm not alone when i say "that's my money and i need it now". I was really hoping to have a better Christmas for my family.

Charlene Hardridge

Is it legal that an individual tribal member can over-step the council of a tribe to appeal something as important as the Cobell settlement? Why then do we have leaders if they are not recognized first as to what their people want? I don't understand how one person can appeal for the entire native nation. She is outside the circle.

Roland Apauty

What type of finacial situation is this Craven person in? She probably is well off and don't need the money from the settlement like so much other people need it I hope she sleeps good knowing that she will be causing more hardship to her own kind.

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