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March 16, 2011



I am opting out of both A and B as I do not need either one. I live in Europe and dont need either so take my lousey social security and I still am the winner. If people could opt out easier there would be a landslide of us boomers ready to go so the government (Bill Clinton) tries to twist our arms so we stay but some of us dont have to. I am embarrassed to be an American. Thats forved on me too

T. Conklin

I am saddened by this ruling. I want to opt out of Medicare for a very good reason. I live outside the US for 10 months or more a year and it won't cover me at all! If I opt out, I can continue my eligibility for my Health Savings Account and continue to pay cash for my medical care here in France. This ruling sucks royally. Congress needs to fix this. I have pain into Medicare during my working years and simply want to leave without benefits. Is that so bad?

Ken Phillips

What if you don't join Medicare part A?

Nancy Nonini

In response to the question about VA coverage, a veteran eligible for health coverage benefits through the VA can defer Parts B and D. However, Part B will help cover the veteran if he/she has to be transported by ambulance or for any doctor fees while in a non-VA hospital, as in an emergency stay (before being transported to a VA facility). If you have VA drug coverage, you can refuse Part D coverage when you become eligible but take Part D coverage later and not be subject to the Part D premium penalty for late enrollment.

Challa == Austin, TX

Can an over 65 Veteran disenroll from Medicare part A and Part B (for which the Veteran pays for by deduction from his monthly Social Security Benefits)because he has just as good, if not better coverage through the VA? Why pay for Part B -- even Part D -- when he never uses them? Through the VA, he pays $8 co-pay for one month's supply of prescription medication, whereas with part D, not only does he pay much more than that as co-pay, but also pays for premiums to have part D.

Jill Smith

The "three men" -- isn't one of them Dick Armey, former Congressman?

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