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« Morning Wrap | Main | Law Profs Urge Ethics Rules for Supreme Court Justices »

February 24, 2011



As an attorney myself who blogs at, we must stay above board. Here, this huge law firm uses itself to basically white wash unethical behavior. That is, of course, if the allegations are correct. From what I have seen in the press, they most likely are. However, big time players always get free passes in every sport or profession. These guys are the law.


Not a lawyer nor defending what was going on, but is there evidence the lawyers knew what was being proposed? A lot of this seems to have been discussed by the security guys. Things sent to the lawfirm seemed to be public domain stuff available because the "targets" published it, not because they broke in and stole it. Speaking of which, is there any problem basing a bar complaint on stolen emails or receiving the stolen emails in order to make the complaint? Kind of ironic.

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