Standing an Issue in Gay Rights Appeal: The Recorder examines yesterday's ruling that will lift the stay on gay marriages in California next week, pending appeal. The article notes that standing is a significant issue for the proponents of Prop 8 who are seeking the appeal. It also names the 9th Circuit panel likely to consider the appeal.
Heckuva Scrivener's Error: The case of the $1.67 billion typo i in an ERISA case is back in the news, with a ruling this week from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit pretty much letting Verizon off the hook. This article from The American Lawyer notes that the judges found the error by in-house counsel to be a "scrivener's error" for which it should be forgiven, but said it was a "baffling" lapse in accuracy. A Supreme Court appeal may be in the works.
Warren Piece: The Washington Post has a lengthy profile of Elizabeth Warren's path from growing up in Oklahoma to a law degree at Rutgers to teaching at Harvard Law School, and now controversial candidate to head the new consumer protection agency.
The Price of 27 Years: The New York Times tells the story of a Texas man who was released from prison after 27 years after DNA evidence showed he did not commit the rape for which he was convicted. Michael Green is pondering whether to sue or accept a $2.2 million settlement.
Born a Citizen: Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson mounts a vigorous defense of interpreting the Fourteenth Amendment to give citizenship to all born in the United States, including children of illegal aliens. Some Republicans have been arguing otherwise in recent weeks.