Advocates for illegal immigrants have often complained that once someone is taken into custody by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), it can be difficult to find where the person is being held.
In response, ICE today announced the creation of the Online Detainee Locator System, a public, Internet-based tool designed to assist family members, attorneys and other interested parties in locating detained aliens in custody.
The system, linked to ICE’s homepage, allows users to search for detainees by name, country of birth and date of birth, or by their alien registration number (often referred to as the “A” number).
It provides information on the location of the detention facility, a phone number to the facility and contact information for the ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations office in the region.
Directions on how to use the system are available in English, Spanish, French, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic and Somali.
In August 2009, ICE Assistant Secretary John Morton announced that the agency was undertaking sweeping reforms of the immigration detention system, including improvements in medical and mental healthcare and conditions of confinement.
I find it amazing that Democrat politicians keep trying to block laws designed to help control the illegal immigration issue. Most U.S. citizens support Arizona's law and many other states are implmenting their own laws.
Posted by: cramer pelmont | July 27, 2010 at 06:49 AM
I find it amazing that Democrat politicians keep trying to block laws designed to help control the illegal immigration issue. Most U.S. citizens support Arizona's law and many other states are implmenting their own laws. Since this is an emotional issue for many people, Democrat politicians had better make sure they are on the correct side of this issue or they will be out on the street in the next election.
Posted by: FedupinArizona | July 23, 2010 at 08:34 PM
That was entirely relevant and not crazy at all.
Posted by: Seriously? | July 23, 2010 at 02:52 PM
Obama’s Best Bet on Immigration
In 2008 in the middle of the night behind closed doors Nancy Pelosi used a war supplement bill to give protected status to 1.35 million illegal agriculture workers who had already been working here in the US for 45 months and their extended families which amounted to over 3 million (then) illegal’s. That is more people than is needed across the states to work fields.
Our borders are not secure and citizens of all states are so angry at the law suit filed against Arizona, that in 4 days people from all 50 states, DC and Puerto Rico, have donated over $500k to help the Arizona legal defence. There are millions of illegal aliens which can prove their illegal residency here for eight or nine years minimum, and most have a form of documentation with a pay stub, rent receipt, an anchor expense, CHIP enrolment (something). Starting in 2007 campaign innuendoes broke the record with the highest influx of border jumper’s in any given presidential election cycle.
President Obama said the immigration rules are “unenforceable” for local law, I wonder if this is because of the vast numbers of illegal’s and drug cartels spread throughout our nation?
Since this administration is so sure there are only 12 million illegal aliens in the US, and Ellis Island has been updated, and much the same is in Florida to document immigrants. Consider: Absolutely NO social security or voting rights until becoming a legal English speaking citizen for 10 years to the date of meeting the crime restitution requirements. Once the twelve million numbers of illegals is reached (documented) DEPORT the other 16 million left over.
The unemployment rate for veterans rose in June, to 11.5 percent for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Hire some of them to work with their local law serving the people of their own hometowns and surrounding communities. These veterans already have government run VA healthcare for five years running, and could save struggling towns short on law enforcement to actually save local tax monies (feds employ vets), while also saving local tax funds used toward the healthcare insurance for local law enforcement. There are more than enough already trained unemployed veterans to help deport all 28 million illegal border jumpers.
Two other presidents already enforced immigration laws to employ war vets, this would be the third time, and because it is for national security this time will be the charm. This time we permanently secure our borders. President Obama recently said “Our borders are just too vast for us to be able to solve the problem only with fences and border patrols," and he said "It won't work.” Seems the old adage is still working fine because Mr. Obama’s best bet is to hire the vets.
Here in corrupt Luzerne County Pa. our unemployment rate is 10.2% with illegal border jumper’s still employed. Our schools are overcrowded and broke and the County reassessed our property taxes doubling the tax cost for property & school taxes. One of three sewer bills just tripled even for elderly low income homeowners living on $12,000 a year social security not even a pitiful COLA increase. Some elderly homeowner’s have been surviving on SSI of only $6000 a year, and Arizona’s Sheriff Arpaio’s tent city provides a better quality of life for illegal aliens than some disabled citizens’ experience daily living on cat food and cereal. And I know for a fact the illegal aliens in Tent City receive better healthcare than many veterans receive nationwide.
Posted by: patpacer | July 23, 2010 at 02:33 PM