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May 27, 2010



If government funds are then allocated to researchers based on altered data to support their agenda (global warming and Cap & Tax), would that not be fraud?


Dave, it is not unusual for historical series to be revised. I wouldn't be too concerned with revisions in the U.S. temperature anomalies for1934(1.20), 1998(1.32), and 2006(1.30). Because the temperatures for these warmest years are so close together, even a minor revision could change their rankings, but not change conclusions about the long-term temperature trend when all the years since 1900 are considered.

Look at the anomalies for some of the coolest years for perspective on the minor differences in the warmest years. For example, the (-0.55) for 1979 is 1.75 points below the 1.32 for 1998.

Dave Burton

Here you can see that NASA keeps revising their historical temperature data for the USA, with no explanation of why.

Here's the current version:

Here are various older versions:*/

According to NASA, the six warmest years on record in the 48 contiguous United States were:
#1: 1934
#2: 1998
#3: 1921
#4: 2006
#5: 1931
#6: 1999

I chose to list the "six warmest" (instead of five or ten) because it happens that these six years are the warmest on record in all the versions of the NASA temperature table which I could find, though the order of the six varies according to which version of the table you use.

The hottest year used to be listed as 1934, but 1934 has now been demoted to 3rd-hottest, behind 1998 and 2006.

There's no explanation for these changes to what is SUPPOSED to be stable historical data.


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