Within hours of President Barack Obama’s nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Democratic National Committee and Senate Judiciary Republicans launched websites in preparation for the confirmation hearings.
Kagan For Justice offers viewers a place to “proudly support” her nomination with name, address and email address. It provides “a few things” people should know about the nominee.
“As the debate over her nomination takes shape, it's crucial that we show support from every corner of this country. Your signature will be part of a public display of support for this historic nomination in these crucial early weeks,” the site tells viewers.
The website is paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee.
Senate Judiciary Republicans went in a more “hip” direction with a new YouTube channel—RepublicanSCOTUS-- that is to be a “hub of information” about Kagan’s confirmation hearings. It features an ABC “Good Morning America” interview with ranking GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama and comments by Judiciary Committee member Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.).
The Organizing for America site can be found here .
RepublicanSCOTUS is here.