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April 16, 2010


Sidney Gendin

If Orly is as good at dentistry as she is at law, I pity anyone who gets a root canal from her. In fact, who would allow her to do an elementary cleaning?


Are people in high places so mesmerized by a young, articulate, over-talentalented man that they are willing to ignore serious stuff?

Have people in high places had their instincts corrupted because they have traveled outside the USA and may not be able to make good decisions?

Almost a century ago, in the World War I era, songwriter named Walter Donaldson wrote "How you gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Paree?".

D Davis


Sad to say, 'Vicki', but the bigger fool might just be you.

According to you, Mr Obama has spent "millions in attorney fees". Really, now. Where do you get this stuff? Do you just make it up?

If you are going to make such bizarre claims, you must offer evidence. Cancelled cheques, billings, line items, ledger items, invoices, proof of payment, receipts -- anything. You must offer documentation of proven validity before anyone will believe a word you say. But, like the ridiculous Taitz, you over-reach. "Millions"? Who says so?

We like you crackpots better when you talk about Bigfoot.


Hooray for Judge Lamberth. But I will give odds that Orly comes up with some other bizarre case; maybe she could accuse him of being a closet Catholic and petition the Vatican to extradite Obama to Rome for trial as a heretic.


The is really funny. The judge pointed out a claim made by Orly Taitz was false at the time she made it. Ms. Taitz is like a gift that keeps on giving.


Just one more judge with no spine. It is obvious to "We, The People" that those in power are corrupt, and Lamberth is just one more. Those who could expose the truth are hiding behind the law. Did it ever occur to any of you supposed brilliant legal minds that innocent people do NOT pay millions in attorney fees to keep all of their bona fides hidden? Not just the birth certificate, but every trace of his past. I wonder who the bigger fools are, the corrupt politician or the corrupt lawyers?

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