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February 18, 2010


Christian Walker

There seems to be no end to people who want to scam the system.

In this case it backfired, but how many cases like this one never get justice.

Move more eat less and that is all there is to it.

Danile Stenson

This is one way not to defend yourself in court. It seems that Trudeau should spend more time learning the law and less time trying to scam the system.


Right on Nancy Lazaryan and Mary Jane Duchene
Affiant gets 1,000 e-mails daily before AOL cuts out 300 is minor not Criminal Contempt
Judge Gettleman must resign for Obstructing Legal Process's as the Consumers E-mails are forms of Amicus Curie Letters. [email protected]


Thanks to Kevin to force the Courts ECF Filing e-mail as Public Servants the Courts Sever could have blocked the Consumers E-mail and or would that have been Obstructing Legal Process's?
We in Minesota Attorney Pro Se's also have trouble with to Electronically file our Briefs, Forensic Files re:


I only wish the courts had a more effective way to shut down this scam artist. Sadly, I think he's just using this as publicity.

Incidentally, my solution would be to force him to actually follow that diet plan for the rest of his life. The colonics alone...

Cavan Kelly

300 messages clogged the in-box and crashed the computer of Chicago federal judge Robert Gettleman

Sounds like Judge Gettleman needs an upgrade right away

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