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« Defense Contractor Refused to Rehire Veterans, Suit Says | Main | Chrysler Lobbyist Jumps to Sodexo »

January 13, 2010


Laura Richardson

My name is Laura. I am a breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed in 1998. The cancer had matastised, therefore I had over a year of aggressive chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The cancer appeared to be in remission but I couldn't return to work, so I began to draw social security benefits. In 2005 my lack of resources and high insurance premiums forced me to sell the stock I owned in the company I worked for in order to continue health coverage. I did not report the money I received from stock to the IRS. ($26,000) Of course the IRS determined that I owe $5,000.00 in taxes penalty and interest. I did not have the money to pay the taxes and I didn't know how to accurately report the income from shares because I had acquired them a few each year during the time I worked for this compay. Unfortunately three years ago the breast cancer returned and I had to have bi-lateral breast surgery.

To make a long story shorter, IRS has attached my Social Security check and I only receive $788.00 monthly in benefits. Of course I have medicare health coverage, but I also have to pay monthly premiums for supplimental coverage that cost $220.00 monthly. I have contacted the VA Taxpayer's Advocate Service, but at this point it seems as though it isn't going to get any better.

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