The late Chief Justice William Rehnquist in a sense has returned to the U.S. Supreme Court, taking his place in the Upper Great Hall outside the courtroom doors. Yesterday, the nine sitting justices gathered with Rehnquist's family, high court advocates and lower court judges for the unveiling of Rehnquist's marble portrait bust.
Before Rehnquist died in 2005, he chose a likeness taken in clay by sculptor Mark Fondersmith to become the source of the bust. The bust will sit opposite that of the late Chief Justice Warren Burger.
“Despite his modest and unassuming ways, he has left a permanent impression on this institution, both as a great justice and a great chief justice,” Chief Justice John Roberts Jr. said of Rehnquist. Justice John Paul Stevens called Rehnquist a “first among equals in every wonderful sense.”
Below are photographs from the Court by The National Law Journal staff photographer Diego Radzinschi.
Chief Justice Roberts delivers remarks, praising Rehnquist.
Justice Stevens speaking at the portrait bust unveiling ceremony.