Cheney Lets Loose: Former vice president Dick Cheney says that Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. committed an "outrageous political act" when Holder ordered a preliminary investigation of CIA interrogations, The Washington Post reports. In a Fox News interview that aired Sunday, Cheney called the techniques "good policy." Click here for The New York Times' take.
DNA Controversy: A new Texas law takes effect Tuesday that will allow prosecutors and parole boards to see DNA evidence that links a suspect to an old sexual assault case, even if the suspect was never tried. The Wall Street Journal reports that the law attempts to close a gap created by improved technology and an outdated law.
Plan B Litigation: Three Christian lobbying groups who oppose abortion do not have standing to challenge a ruling from March that expands access to the emergency contraceptive Plan B, a federal judge has ruled. Click here for the story from the New York Law Journal via
Banks' Worst Nightmare: The New York Times profiles a local Brooklyn judge who "fashions himself a judicial Don Quixote" in home foreclosure cases. In part because of what he calls sloppy record-keeping by banks and mortgage companies, he has tossed out 46 of the 102 foreclosure motions that have come before him in the last two years.
Tech Rivalry: The Seattle Times, hometown paper of Microsoft, weighs in on whether the Justice Department's Antitrust Division should investigate Google. The newspaper's take: It should. Separately, the Associated Press reported this weekend on the questions surrounding a proposed partnership between Microsoft and Yahoo.