Fraud: A judge in California has ruled that plaintiffs and lawyers used fraudulent tactics in a lawsuit against Dole Food Co. over its use of toxic pesticides at its Nicaraguan banana plantations, The Wall Street Journal reports. Personal injury lawyers faked tests and recruited clients who had never worked on the banana farms. One attorney is under federal investigation for his actions.
The Rich Get Poorer: According to The New York Times, the recession seems to have finally crimped the rise of America’s super wealthy. According to one source, the number of Americans with a net worth of more than $30 million has dropped 24%. Other indicators: an index tracking the price of art has dropped 32%, and the New York Yankees had to cut the price of their most expensive tickets.
Sex and the Law Firm: Hogan & Hartson will be getting a touch of glamour this fall, when the cast of “Sex and the City” shows up to film scenes for its upcoming movie sequel. The American Lawyer writes that the firm’s atrium will be transformed into the offices of Mr. Big. Yes, the atrium. He didn’t get that name for nothing, apparently.
Spilling Secrets: The Washington Post reveals that the Justice Department is investigating whether military lawyers representing Guantanamo detainees broke the law by showing their clients photos of CIA operatives. The pictures were taken outside the agents’ homes by researchers from the John Adams Project, and were used to try and identify witnesses who could testify about CIA interrogation methods. Justice is looking into whether any classified information may have been breached.