The Big Split: Democratic aides say there is a 60 % chance that Congressional leaders will and try and pass a health care reform effort by splitting the bill in two pieces, possibly using the budget reconciliation process to push through the most controversial parts, The Wall Street Journal reports.
Unpatented: The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled yesterday that U.S. patents for methods or processes don’t apply to products assembled overseas. Patents for products, however, are still covered. Sheri Qualters of The National Law Journal has the story.
Bernake’s Big Problem: Even as the Federal Reserve chairman is enjoying wide praise from economists and financiers, his political future remains murky, The New York Times reports. While it would be a surprise if he was not nominated for a second four-year term, the paper says, both he and the Fed have come under withering attacks from law makers, who’ve criticized the central bank for its lack of foresight leading up to the financial crisis.
Oprah Gets Tough: Oprah Winfrey and her frequent airtime guest Dr. Mehmet Oz have sued more than 50 companies they say falsely claimed the duo endorsed them, Reuters writes. The suit alleges that many of the companies were promoting credit card scams and other fraudulent schemes.
Kennedy: Ailing Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) has asked Massachusettes leaders to change state law so that they could more quickly fill his Senate seat should he succumb to brain cancer. The state requires a special election take place at least 145 days after a Senate seat becomes vacant. But Kennedy has asked that lawmakers be able to pick a temporary replacement before the election. Via The Boston Globe.