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« Former Kennedy Staffer Remembers | Main | Ex-Administrative Law Judge Takes Suit to the D.C. Circuit »

August 27, 2009


Bianca Rist


I recently came across your D.C. Court of Appeals Suspends Ex-Pillsbury Associate article. Any time you or your associates need sources for stories concerning employment or staffing issues and trends we would be happy to provide you with an expert from Special Counsel ( Special Counsel is the largest provider of legal staffing services to corporate legal departments and law firms nationwide, including 99 of the 100 largest law firms in the U.S. You may reach Amanda Burns at (904) 425-6652 ext 301 or at [email protected].


Bianca Rist

AXIA, On Behalf of Special Counsel, a member of the MPS Group (NYSE:MPS)

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