BLT sibling publication the Texas Lawyer reports that retired U.S. District Judge Samuel Kent intends to resign from the bench today. Last month, the Houston judge was sentenced to 33 months in prison for obstruction of justice.
The House Judiciary Committee Task Force on Impeachment is set to begin hearings tomorrow on Kent’s impeachment. Kent’s lawyer, Dick DeGuerin of Houston’s DeGuerin & Dickson, said the committee “can make a spectacle if they want” but the judge won’t participate.
Kent plans to turn in his resignation to President Barack Obama today, though it isn’t effective until a year from now. In February, the judge pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice in exchange for the government dropping charges that he sexually abused his secretary and his former case manager.
The full story is available here. The BLT's earlier coverage of the case against Kent is available here.
Can one resign now, but have it effective in the future? Can I resign now, but have it effective in 2023, and get my salary and benfits until then, please?
Posted by: m913 | June 03, 2009 at 08:30 AM