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May 29, 2009


B. Brown

African Americans who work for major law firms have no defense when filing legitimate claims of employment discrimination and retaliation in the court. I know I have a case against a D.C. law firm who fired me during an EEOC mediation and then offered me a severance package to sign a Release Form not to pursue my case. Alone without an attorney rejected the offer and filed a complaint in the D.C. Superior Court. Blacks working in D.C. law firms are catching Hell. Where was Eric Holder who was once a partner at Covington & Burlington?

Steve Candelario

This case was weak from the beginning. If she felt that she was being discriminated against, then she should have moved to another firm. She had a choice to either stay or move to another firm. Instead, she stayed and encountered discrmination. I am elated that the Judge has dismissed this case. I feel it was a waste of the court's time. Perhaps, all AM 200 firms will learn of her name and avoid hiring her.

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