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« Morning Wrap | Main | Rosenberg Headed to Hogan & Hartson »

October 09, 2008



As an outside observer, the question I keep coming back to is this: you mean to tell me there are no lawyers in the state that can argue this case before the SC? If I were a member of that bar I'd be insulted. As for the AG, he doesn't know jack about the case (from what I've read). I find it hilarious that they would accuse Larisa of having the ego; I believe that exact psychological term for that is projection (putting the blame for what is true about yourself onto another person). For me, let the little guy have his 15 minutes of fame. It's not like oral argument changes anybody's mind anyway.

Down with the Elites

As a Washington appellate lawyer I'm pulling hard for Joe Larisa. I'm sure the Court is tired of Olson's act by now. Time for some fresh blood and new style at the Court. Forget the coin toss, just let Larisa roll. Olson can do his thing on another case later this term. The elite guys who horde the arguments are overrated.

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