Roberts’ Condition: The Chief Justice was on the mend yesterday after suffering a seizure and falling outside his summer home in Maine. The “benign idiopathic seizure” was like the one that he had in 1993. Tests revealed no cause for concern, but the chances of a person who has had two seizures suffering another is around 60 percent.
Alaskan Palace Raided: FBI and IRS agents swept through Sen. Ted Stevens' home yesterday. The agencies are investigating the longest-serving Republican senator’s ties to an Alaska energy company, and what, if anything, they have to do with lavish improvements to Stevens’ home.
Guidelines of Engagement: War-crimes hearings are revealing ambiguities in the Marine Corps rules of engagement. The “show, shout, shove, shoot” rules are plain, but “positive identification, hostile intent or hostile action” leave a lot to interpretation. All that subjectivity is hobbling them in combat, marines say.
Conspiracy of Badgers: Some Basra residents believe British soldiers are loosing cattle-eating Badgers on the lands as a parting blow before they decamp. Against the tide of logic, rumors of British soldiers planting snake eggs in waterways and unleashing rabies-infected, bomb-sniffing dogs have also surfaced.