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July 10, 2007


Jack Payne

What does Vitter have to worry about, career-wise, that is? He's got 3 years to serve yet. That's a lifetime as measured against the average American's attention span.

--Jack Payne


But if he just got massages and fantasy play...whassa big deal? Daaaaaaaaaa

Angie Hartford

This will provide interesting TV news fodder. I was getting tired of reality shows, anyway.

Of course, this would be waaay more interesting had it appeared weeks before the election.


Good thing God is so much more forgiving than the GOP.

W Meister

If he wants to join the Jimmy Swaggart club of confess and pass go, then he needs to complete the process and just go. Maybe, next time, he can lobby for a safer, smut free internet. Ya think? Witch hunters are often suspect themselves.


"In God We Trust" Amen.


Someone wrote in this Comment Box the following: "So what? Really...who cares? Who of us expects our representatives to be any different then rest of the US or the world. Higher standards? Why? Politics is a BUSINESS."
May I remind this clown that Senator David Vitter took the lumber to President Clinton during the Monika fiasco.
That is why we should care, that is why we should clean house with this hypocrite.
Now he wants to keep it private...P.l.e.a.z!

David in CA.

So what? Really...who cares? Who of us expects our representatives to be any different then rest of the US or the world. Higher standards? Why? Politics is a BUSINESS. It is not for the true of heart nor weak of stomach? Just remember that when you vote. No illusions (or delusions).

God says no thanks

So, if I screw up in life if I put it in gods hands all is forgiven? Wow, what an easy way out in life to do wrong things and then just let god take care of it. What a joke! Loser!


If you want to search the list, try

Hue Mann

"You can download the client list here, though last time we tried, the server was down. (Sabotage? Or just heavy traffic?)
- By Joe Palazzolo"
Or perhaps you just didn't really give it that ole school effort Joe.

It did take several attempts on some of the links but the problem wasn't more than 'marginal' and is attributable to heavy traffic . . . now how's about a cross reference index of DC area numbers . . . that would prove most useful now.

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