Lawyers like to say that reasonable minds can differ. But Judge Reggie Walton felt there was only one conclusion about the amicus brief filed on behalf of 12 law professors, asking him to grant Scooter Libby bail pending appeal.
"They are very bright people but the submission was not something I would expect from a first year law student," Walton said during this morning's hearing.
But what bothered Walton even more was the intent behind the brief: that by bandying their important names about, Walton would feel pressure to heed to their argument.
Lawrence Robbins, Libby's attorney, suggested that the fact that 12 scholars "who couldn't agree on the best way to give change for nickel" had come to some consensus should be significant.
"I guess if I'd gotten smarter submissions, maybe," Walton replied.
Allthough the crime is discusting, there is no need for killing..
Posted by: Leie Tilhenger | January 05, 2008 at 04:39 PM
I'll agree with Matthew Friendly that maybe getting shot for obstruction of justice is a bit over the line.
Then I'll call Matthew Friendly a liar.
This is not true:
"The lie had nothing to do with the alleged leak, and the leak was later found to have been done by Armitage and was found not to have been a crime."
1. The lie had everything to do with the leak (and it's not "alleged" -- her name was leaked. Did you know Valerie Plame was a covert CIA operative before Dick Cheney got ahold of her name? No, because her name was leaked.)
2. It may be true that Dick Armitage leaked, but that's all you know.
Where in the world did you get that Fitzpatrick considers Armitage the original leaker? That's Fox talking points.
No, whoever leaked Plame to reporters FIRST is still unknown.
Because Fitzpatrick made it very clear that Libby's obstruction of justice means Fitzpatrick's investigation into the leak was OBSTRUCTED!
Why do Loyal Bushies just parrot what they are told to parrot, without actually thinking?
Posted by: Jan from NH | June 15, 2007 at 06:56 AM
No Matt!
No meds, dude. The bottom line is that Scooter Libby is going to prison and the defense team didn't get the public sympathy. End of story. On to nab Rove and Cheney.
And I am very well alive and well thank you very much.
Posted by: Bil Biloxi | June 14, 2007 at 11:27 PM
Bil and Ed:
Up those meds, Dudes! A little off your rockers, huh??
Seriously though, Ed: you sound like an especially despicable person to call for someone to be shot. Treason is one thing, and the facts established this was not treason. Libby was convicted on an obstruction of justice charge for lying during the leak investigation. The lie had nothing to do with the alleged leak, and the leak was later found to have been done by Armitage and was found not to have been a crime. By your logic, if all liars should be shot, why are you and Bil still alive?
Get a life, guys, and get some damn integrity. I know that's asking a lot from a bunch of rabid pathetic leftists like yourselves.
Posted by: Matthew Friendly | June 14, 2007 at 06:39 PM
Street smart ruled over book smart. Judge Walton didn't buy Libby's crapola and ruled today to send Libby to the slammer. Justice is served. Scooter is hosed. And the leak case needs to be reopened again to nab Mr. 9% and McRove.
Posted by: Bil Biloxi | June 14, 2007 at 05:32 PM
Scooter Libby should be shot as a traitor, not jailed as a liar.
His boss, ElDuce should be shot and then hung from a lamp post
Posted by: ed pefferman | June 14, 2007 at 03:52 PM